HaY eVeRYoNe! / You HaVe ReaCHeD THe oNe aND oNL-E Xteesee's PaGe Yo / YaH YaH / i aLReaDY LiKe You /
WeLL STiCK aRouND aND CHeCK ouT THe RaVe SHieT! / WeLL YaH, iF You HaVe NoT FiGuReD iT ouT i aM a RaVeR / THiS iS MaH
CoNTRiBuTioN To THe RaVe SCeNe / i HoPe You RaVeRS ouT THeRe LiKe iT / iF You HaVe aNY SuGeSTioNS JuST E-MaiL MeH oR
LeaVe iT oN MaH BooK-E! / THaNKS Yo!

Well to start it out here ish a little something that you ravers will like and think ish funny / it is so true so just read it and see how many you think you have.
1. Ravers can dance no matter the rave music.
2. Ravers can have a perfect and casual conversation with anyone under the age of ten.
3. Ravers are the only teenagers that still use pacifiers.
4. Ravers dress hype and choose their clothes by texture, color and size.
5. Ravers understand the art of bathroom conversation.
6. Ravers are always ordering water, even at bars
7. Ravers always consider every new place they go a possible a location for a party.
8. Ravers can always hear hype Beats in their head without any music at all.
9. Ravers always point out the trippy visuals in life, when other people don`t notice them.
10. Ravers always choose "E" on multiple choice question tests, even when they arent one of the choises, can you say E-tard.
11. Ravers give the best hugs and massages.
12. Ravers have a one track mind..it goes bump, thump, tweet, thump.
13. Ravers never sit down at parties.
14. Ravers always spot ravers within a 100ft radius of themselves.
15. Ravers define the style of music they listen to as "some hype beats".
16. Ravers are friendly to everyone, even those they don`t know. PLUR
17. Ravers know how to get hype party info off the web.
17. Ravers have the best hook-ups.
19. Ravers share speakers, and give off good vibes.
20. Normal sounds turn into rave beats and you start hearing music.
21. Ravers always look for hype rave toys while shoping for somethng totaly different.
22. Ravers favorite color is the rainbow.